Animal Communication
It is not just only the humans who exchange information, but animals too communicate. May be, their communication system is not that sophisticated as the humans, but they are definitely remarkable.
It is not just only the humans who exchange information, but animals too communicate. May be, their communication system is not that sophisticated as the humans, but they are definitely remarkable.
Communication is a buzzword in modern world. We are already familiar with words like mass communication, communication skills, telecommunication, communication engineering, business communication etc in our day to day life. Even the term communication also refer logistics or modes of transport. The term, communication, may be bit confusing since it is appear to connote different
The term “script” has different senses. In modern day computing parlance, its reference to short programming codes has become more common. It also popularly connotes to the screenplays for drama, film etc. In cases, it also implies written documents e.g. manuscripts, typefaces in style of handwriting, handwriting as opposed to printing. But, for written communication,
The word ‘writing’ has different meanings depending on view points. Accordingly, experts defined writing in different ways. Writing is one of the four basic language skills and in fact, the fourth skill in the language learning order – Listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is, indeed, an active skill like speaking in contrast to passive